This page presents the songs from Songs of Australia in ChordPro format. This shows the lines of each verse and chorus with the appropriate chord over the corresponding syllable. For example:
The format is used extensively online for folk songs, rock songs and even church hymns. Many musicians formerly spent hours spacing the chords manually on a separate line above the text line. This method does not avoid the tedium of chord placement but it does the formatting automatically. To produce the example above this text was required:
'Twas the [G]month of De[C]cember, the [G]year fifty [Em]four,
When the [G]men of Eu[D]reka re[G]belled.
Using the provided file requires the use of software called SongBook Pro, a Windows based program which is a purchased item available from here.
The features of this program are:
This collection of songs is simply available in the one format, as a single .sbp file.
To use it: First download and install SongBook Pro (Website link) (a trial period is available for testing the program);
and then download the .sbp file and import it into SongBook Pro.