Web hosting is offered in four packages with features appropriate to your needs. Hosting is on servers based in Australia which reduces upload and download times and cuts down unnecessary internet traffic.
The packages are Kareela Basic, Kareela Medium, Kareela Full and Kareela Super. They differ in the allocated storage space, and data transfer allowance.
Kareela Basic: Storage 0.5GB, Bandwidth 1GB, FTP, Email x3, SQL x1, cPanel
Kareela Medium: Storage 1GB, Bandwidth 1.5GB, FTP, Email x5, SQL x2, cPanel
Kareela Full: Storage 2GB, Bandwidth 2GB, FTP, Email x7, SQL x3, cPanel
Kareela Super: Storage 4GB, Bandwidth 4GB, FTP, Email x10, SQL x4, cPanel
Kareela Custom: An customised package can be created with required features, storage space and data transfer allowance according to needs.
Email for current pricing.